
 2020.05.중소기업 확인서 - 중소벤처기업부장관
Certification of Small and Medium Business Company from Ministry of SMEs and Startups
 2019.11.우수기업인 표창 - 부산테크노파크
Award of a Leading Businessman from Busan Techno Park
 2018.05.산학협력가족회사 한국해양대학교
Certification of Industry-Academic Cooperation with Dongmyeong University
 2018.04.산학협력가족회사 한국해양대학교
Certification of Industry-Academic Corporation with Korea Maritime and Ocean University
 2018.04.연구개발특구 연구소 기업 인증
Enterprise Certification of R&D Special Zone Reasearch Instiitute
2018.04.회사 설립
Company Establishment
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